What Is Micro Needling Round Rock TX?

By Joyce Bennett

Many people suffer from a skin condition, even if it is very minor, such as a blemish or pimple. Others have more chronic problems, such as red hyper-pigmentation or rough skin texture. There are many lotions and moisturizers on the market that claim to help with these, but most will not help without the aid of a Micro Needling Round Rock TX session to boost their effectiveness.

The problem with most moisturizers and supposed skin problem solvers is that they only really get through to the very top layer of skin, called the epidermis. Most of the issues that you may experience with your skin are actually because of your dermis, which is below the epidermis. So if your serums and lotions do not penetrate to the dermis, then they are not really helping you at all.

If you are frustrated by the lack of results, then look no further than micro needling. A topical treatment based on your skin concerns is applied to your face. Then a device with tiny needles is pressed against your face, which creates microscopic pockets that channel all the way down to your dermis. The topical treatment seeps deep into the skin so that it can do its job effectively, giving you the results you always wanted.

Unlike lasers or other treatments, there is no use of light or heat, which can damage the skin and create a recovery period. As soon as your micro needling is done, you can go back to your normal schedule without any fear or injury or scarring.

Some doctors call micro needling Collagen Induction Therapy instead. The reason is that after the needles have done their thing, your skin reacts by producing more collagen. Collagen has long been a staple of beauty products because it fill in fine lines and wrinkles by slightly plumping the skin for a younger visage.

In addition to helping with collagen and filling in those troublesome fine lines and wrinkles, this procedure can actually do a whole lot more. If you suffer from damage due to sun exposure or age spots, then a few sessions will help. Enlarged pores or rough skin texture are also popular reasons why people might decide to get their doctor to perform a micro needling session.

But you do not need to limit micro needling to the facial skin only. Anywhere on the body is a good place to get it done. When you consult with your doctor about trying this procedure, tell him or her where your other skin concerns are, and they can help you with them.

This procedure has almost no recovery time and does not hurt very much at all. But you will need to exercise some patience, as the most visible results may take anywhere from 4 to 6 weeks to be obvious. So you doctor may only schedule a follow up about two months after. You may need multiple sessions to get your intended results, but after that an occasional maintenance session is all you will need. So as long as you are willing to wait, you will get the results that all those over the counter treatments have never been able to give you.

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