Some Basics Regarding Pelvic Physiotherapy ACT AU Residents May Find Beneficial

By Stephen Lewis

Pelvic physiotherapy is commonly prescribed for individuals with poor strength of muscles in this area. It has been established that straining is what mainly causes muscle strength to be lost. Pregnancy is among the typical situations that make the pelvic floor vulnerable because of the stress exerted on the urinary bladder during the pregnancy itself and when delivery takes place. There are several facts on pelvic physiotherapy ACT AU residents may find interesting.

The symptoms of pelvic muscle impairment depend on the severity of weakness. Classically, patients complain of incontinence, that is, they tend to pass stool or urine involuntarily. In other words, urination and defecation may occur without their knowledge. In fact, affected persons may find themselves leaking urine from merely laughing or coughing.

Other than incontinence, which is usually caused by muscle weakness, patients may have symptoms related to excessive tightness of muscles. A person may have difficulty passing stool or strain during urination. Additionally, they may complain of increased frequency, urgency, intermittency or even incomplete emptying of their bladder. Others may experience pain during sexual intercourse.

Muscles in the pelvis are positioned in such a way that they cement the pelvis and structures therein. They typically attach to the bony pelvis on the sides, front and back. Key organs in this region include the womb, bladder, prostate in men and the rectum. Urethra and vagina are also wrapped in muscle to ensure they function as desired. Release of urine or stool usually works in a controlled manner as long as the muscular structures are intact.

In seeking a solution to this problem, the individual first needs to determine which structure need fixing. Given the fact they are deep within the body and may not be directly seen, certain manoeuvres have to be undertaken. For this to be a success, the individual needs a quiet and relaxed environment. This will in turn provide patience and concentration which are needed in identifying the muscles in question.

Usually, the person sits or lies down on a couch, depending on what is comfortable for them. Once they are well positioned, they can begin to contract their muscles in the anal region as if trying to contain a fart or gush of watery stool. In the urinary tract, this is achieved when the individual urinates, stops midway then urinates again. This kind of urine interruption should not be done too many times to prevent complications.

When a professional sees you, the aim is to obtain a diagnosis and formulate an effective treatment plan. The professional will have to ask you certain questions in order to better understand your condition. At the very least, they will test your vaginal and rectal tone through a digital examination. Physiotherapy can be prescribed as a long term measure of achieving muscle strength.

In summary, muscles in the pelvic floor become compromised when they are subjected to stress as occurs in pregnancy and childbirth. In men, lower urinary tract symptoms may arise from blockage of the tract by tumors and foreign bodies. Diligence in physiotherapy goes a long way in treating incontinence and related conditions.

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