All Natural Ways To Promote Skin Tightening Portland Locals May Give A Try

By Linda Murray

The production of the structural protein collagen decreases as people age. When that happens, wrinkles and sagging become a huge concern especially among those who are beauty conscious. While undergoing the knife is a solution, it is an option that is not considered by many. This is most especially true for those who do not have the budget for it or are afraid of the risks. Luckily, there are various natural ways to obtain skin tightening Portland residents may try.

Consume foods that are teeming with vitamin C. Collagen production can be enhanced by vitamin C. That's why foods packed with the said nutrient should be eaten regularly. Luckily, there are plenty of foods with vitamin C, and some of the best ones are dark green leafy veggies, tropical fruits and of course citrus fruits.

Apply cucumber juice on the face. Cucumber is revered for its vitamin C content, and that's why anyone who is being bugged by sagging may count on it. Its juice may be regularly applied on the face. Consuming fresh cucumber on a regular basis is highly recommended, too.

Massage freshly squeezed lemon juice on affected areas. It cannot be denied that lemon juice is extremely rich in vitamin C. As a result of this, it may be employed for restoring tightness. If you have sensitive skin, don't forget to first dilute lemon juice with water. By the way, you may also count on lemon juice if you are being bugged by a handful of other cosmetic issues such as acne, pimples, dark scars and uneven tone.

Apply egg white often. It's not just collagen that can help deal with wrinkles and sagging, but also protein. Every single day, apply egg white on your entire face and wait for several minutes until it's completely dry. Doing such helps ensure that your skin cells get all the protein they need for repair as well as maintenance.

Massage a little aloe vera gel. The gooey substance found inside an aloe vera leaf is being used for hundreds of years now for managing all sorts of skin problems. They range anywhere from excessive dryness to mild burns. You may also rely on this gel if sagging is an issue that is bothering you. All you have to do is massage a little of it on the face and then allow 10 to 15 minutes to pass before rinsing it off with cold water.

Moisturize on a regular basis. One of the most important beauty routines you should incorporate into your everyday life if you want to obtain tightness is moisturizing. The good news is you don't have to purchase those super expensive moisturizers on the market. There are many all natural oils to choose from that can deeply hydrate. Some of the best examples include coconut oil, almond oil and jojoba oil.

Avoid too much sun exposure. Premature aging is a problem that UV rays cause as they damage collagen. Needless to say, you should try to stay away from the sun. Before heading out, apply sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30.

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